Blog Posts

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5 Rights of the Holy Quran That Muslims Must Follow! (2024)

This blog post explores the five essential rights of the Holy Quran online, emphasizing its importance in the life of a Muslim as the ultimate guidance from Allah. 1. Belief in the Quran The first and foremost right of the Quran over Muslims is to believe in it wholeheartedly. The

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The Four Sacred Months in Islam

Understanding the 4 Sacred and Holy Months in Islam (2024)

Islamic tradition holds four months in particularly high regard, designating them as sacred. These months are Muharram, Rajab, Dhul-Qi’dah, and Dhul-Hijjah. The significance of these months is rooted in the teachings of the Quran and Hadith, emphasizing peace, reflection, and heightened spirituality. This blog explores the importance of the 4

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Online Quran Classes

Master the Quran from Home via Online Quran Classes (2024)

Introduction to Online Quran Classes: In a world where technology is constantly changing the way we live, study, and connect, it’s no wonder that even the sacred sphere of religious instruction has adopted the digital era. Among the different types of online learning, online Quran classes have developed as a

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Scientific Facts in the Quran That Will Surprise You

5 Facts in the Quran That Align with Modern Science (2024)

Throughout history, Allah sent prophets to specific nations and times, each endowed with miracles as proof of their prophethood. As Allah says in the Quran, “And We certainly sent into every nation a messenger, [saying], ‘Worship Allah and avoid Taghut’” (Quran 16:36). However, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was

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Verses in the Quran About Good Character and Manners

5 Verses in the Quran About Good Character and Manners (2024)

The Quran is full of lessons that teach us how to be good people. It provides comprehensive guidance on all aspects of life, including the cultivation of good character and manners. The importance of ethical conduct and moral behavior is emphasized repeatedly in the Quran. Here, we explore five beautiful

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The Life Story of Prophet Noah in the Quran

The Real Story of Prophet Nuh (Noah) with Quranic Verses (2024)

Prophet Nuh (Noah), peace be upon him, is one of the prophets in Islam, well-known for his unwavering faith and determination. His story, as narrated in the Quran, carries thoughtful lessons for all of us. The Early Days Prophet Nuh (peace be upon him) was chosen by Allah to guide

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Why Do Muslims Fast in Muharram and What Is the Reward for Fasting in Muharram

Why do Muslims fast in Muharram and what are the rewards? (2024)

Muharram, the first month of the Islamic calendar, holds profound significance for Muslims worldwide. It’s a time marked by reflection, remembrance, and various religious observances. Among these practices, fasting in Muharram is highly revered. Let’s discuss why Muslims fast during this sacred month and the rewards associated with it. Why

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Best 10 Days of the Islamic Calendar

10 Best Days of the Islamic Calendar & Why They Matter? (2024)

In the Islamic calendar, the first ten days of Dhul-Hijjah hold unparalleled significance. These days are a period of immense spiritual opportunity and merit, offering Muslims around the world a chance to engage in heightened worship and devotion. Whether you are new to learning about these auspicious days or seeking

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Complete Karbala Battle

The Battle of Karbala Explained: What Really Happened? (2024)

What Happened in the Month of Muharram? Muharram, the first month of the Islamic lunar calendar, holds profound religious significance for Muslims worldwide. This sacred month is often associated with various historical and spiritual events. In this particular blog, we will discuss a very tragic event in the history of

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The Life Story of Prophet Adam in the Quran

The Real Story of Prophet Adam with Quranic Verses (2024)

Creation of Adam A long, long time ago, before there were any people on Earth, Allah decided to create the first human. He made Adam from clay and shaped him perfectly. Then, Allah breathed life into Adam, and he became a living person. Quranic Verse: “And when your Lord said

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