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At SeekersPathway, we are committed to providing Quranic education that is grounded in authenticity, unity, and respect for diverse perspectives within the Muslim community. In alignment with this commitment, we prioritize subjects and teachings that are universally recognized and accepted across all major Islamic schools of thought.

It’s important to note that we do not offer courses on subjects that may have significant differences of opinion among different Islamic sects. Instead, we focus on teachings that are commonly agreed upon and practiced by Muslims worldwide. This includes foundational subjects such as Quran reading, Tajweed (proper pronunciation), the study of authentic Ahadith, Arabic language, and other essential aspects of Islamic knowledge.

While we strive to present information that is consistent with mainstream Islamic scholarship, it’s essential to recognize that interpretations of certain Quranic verses, Hadiths, and Islamic teachings may vary among scholars and schools of thought. SeekersPathway encourages students to approach their studies with an open mind, critical thinking, and a spirit of inquiry, while respecting the diversity of opinions within the Muslim community.

By enrolling in our courses and accessing our educational materials, you acknowledge and accept our commitment to providing a curriculum that reflects the common teachings and practices of Islam. If you have any questions or concerns about our approach or the content presented in our courses, please feel free to reach out to us. We are dedicated to fostering a supportive and enriching learning environment for all our students.

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