Prophet Ibrahim (AS), Khalilullah (Friend of Allah) has a unique status in Islam as a model of faith, submission, and perseverance. The story of Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) teaches us about his dedication to monotheism, many trials, and the blessings Allah granted him, as revealed in the Holy Qur’an. He leads the way for anyone looking for the truth.
Early Life and the Society of Idol Worship
Prophet Ibrahim (AS) was born in an environment where people were the slaves of idolatry and polytheism. His father, Azar, was the sculptor of idols, and his people had drifted far from the service of the One True God (Qur’an 6:74). In those days, King Nimrod mandated the worship of these godless idols, representing himself as god. Even though Ibrahim (AS) was brought up in such surroundings, Allah (SWT) bestowed Him wisdom and purity from a young age. He explored the faith of his people, looking for the true Lord of the universe.

Prophethood and the Search for Truth
However, from a young age, the Prophet Ibrahim (AS) was searching for the truth of human existence. He looked at the heavens, the stars, the moon, and the sun and wondered at their place in creation. But he saw their ephemerality and proclaimed:
“Indeed, I have turned my face toward He who created the heavens and the earth, inclining toward truth, and I am not of those who associate others with Allah.”
(Qur’an 6:79)
After he knew the oneness of God, he openly defied his people and his father and told them to get rid of the idols and worship Allah (Qur’an 21:52-56). Instead, his message was rejected, and he was ridiculed.
The Breaking of Idols and the Fire of Nimrod
To demonstrate the futility of worshipping idols, Ibrahim (AS) took a daring step. He entered the temple and broke the idols, only sparing the largest one. When his people challenged him, he said:
“Rather, this the largest of them did it, so ask them if they should speak.”
(Qur’an 21:63)
This revealed their delusion, but rather than accepting the truth, they revolted against him. Nimrod was so angry, that he commanded that Ibrahim (AS) be burned alive. However, Allah commanded:
“O fire, be coolness and safety upon Ibrahim.”
(Qur’an 21:69)
By the will of Allah, the flames were rendered ineffective, and Ibrahim (AS) walked out unharmed. But his people still did not believe, despite this miracle.
Debate with King Nimrod
King Nimrod, claiming to be a god, challenged Ibrahim (AS). In response, Ibrahim (AS) said:
“My Lord is the One who gives life and causes death.”
Nimrod arrogantly responded, “I give life and cause death.” (by deciding whom to execute or spare). Ibrahim (AS) then challenged him further:
“Indeed, Allah brings the sun from the east, so bring it from the west.”
(Qur’an 2:258)
Nimrod was left speechless, yet he persisted in his arrogance.
Migration for the Sake of Allah
When his people rejected him, Ibrahim (AS) turned away, saying:
“Indeed, I will emigrate to [the service of] my Lord. Indeed, He is the Exalted in Might, the Wise.”
(Qur’an 29:26)
He traveled throughout the land of various countries guiding people in worship of a single God, calling them to monotheism. He preached Allah’s message in different areas due to his firm belief.
The Birth of Isma’il (AS) and the Trial of Sacrifice
For years, Ibrahim (AS) and his wife Sarah (AS) remained childless. Allah then blessed him with a son, Isma’il (AS), through his second wife, Hajar (AS) (Qur’an 37:100).
Later, Allah tested him with one of the greatest trials, sacrificing his beloved son. When Ibrahim (AS) informed Isma’il (AS) of his dream, his son responded with full submission:
“O my father, do as you are commanded. You will find me, if Allah wills, among the patient.”
(Qur’an 37:102)
As Ibrahim (AS) prepared to carry out the sacrifice, Allah intervened:
“Indeed, this was a clear trial. And We ransomed him with a great sacrifice.”
(Qur’an 37:106-107)
This event became the foundation of Qurbani (sacrificial offering) during Hajj.
The Construction of the Ka’bah
Following Allah’s command, Ibrahim (AS) and Isma’il (AS) built the Ka’bah, the first house of worship dedicated to Allah. As they raised its foundations, they prayed:
“Our Lord, accept this from us. Indeed, You are the Hearing, the Knowing.”
(Qur’an 2:127)
The Ka’bah remains the focal point of worship for Muslims to this day.
The Birth of Ishaq (AS) and the Continuation of His Legacy
Allah further blessed Ibrahim (AS) with another boy, Ishaq (AS), from his wife Sarah (AS), as a divine gift in old age (Qur’an 51:28-30). Both of his sons became prophets, ensuring the continuation of his legacy.
Allah honored Ibrahim (AS), declaring:
“And We made them leaders guiding by Our command. And We inspired to them the doing of good deeds, the establishment of prayer, and the giving of zakah; and they were worshippers of Us.”
(Qur’an 21:73)
The Final Years and His Death
Prophet Ibrahim (AS) completed all trials and responsibilities given to him, and his last years passed in serenity while continuing to guide his believers. On the last day, his faith did not last, and he never stopped serving Allah.
Allah describes him as a model for humanity:
“Indeed, Ibrahim was a nation [unto himself], devoutly obedient to Allah, inclining toward truth, and he was not of those who associate others with Allah.”
(Qur’an 16:120)
His death brought to an end a life spent in Allah’s service, and Allah himself had given him a place in eternal honor.
Lessons from the Life of Prophet Ibrahim (AS)
So here are some of the valuable lessons we learned from the story of Prophet Ibrahim (AS):
- Tawheed (Monotheism): Complete faith in Allah and rejection of all forms of idol worship.
- Surrender to Allah: His complete submission to Allah, even at great personal risk, provides a timeless example.
- Put your trust in divine wisdom: Ibrahim (as) put his full trust in the wisdom of Allah knowing that He decrees the best at all times.
- Persistence and Patience: His triumph over trials reveals the power of trust.
- The Power of Prayer: His constant supplications highlight the significance of asking Allah for guidance.
The story of Prophet Ibrahim (AS) is one of the greatest examples of faith, patience, and surrender to the will of Allah. His path is full of challenges, unswerving faith, and heavenly rewards that teach us how every believer should live.
Allah commands:
“Follow the religion of Ibrahim, inclining toward truth; and he was not of those who associate others with Allah.”
(Qur’an 16:123)
May we continue to follow in his footsteps, living lives full of Tawheed and faith in Allah. Ameen.