Birth and Early Life
Prophet Haroon / Aaron (AS) was born into the tribe of Levi a sect of the tribe descended from Yaqub (AS). He was the older brother of Prophet Musa (AS) and the son of Imran and his wife, a pious couple who lived during one of the bleakest eras in Egyptian history. This is when Pharaoh was afraid that all male children born to the Israelites would be killed and grow more powerful than Pharaoh, and he would be conquered. Although this decree was in effect at the time of Musa (AS) birth, Haroon / Aaron (AS) was born before the decree was issued and escaped the Pharaoh’s wrath as a child.
Haroon / Aaron (AS) was very wise, calm and eloquent. His predestined attributes would later make him the perfect companion to Musa (AS) on his divine task. While the Quran does not speak about his childhood; according to Islamic tradition, Haroon / Aaron (AS) grew up seeing the suffering of the Israelites, as Pharaoh oppressed them. He faced the harsh treatment of his people, giving him the motivation to pursue Allah’s guidance and challenge oppression.
A Companion in Prophethood
Prophet Haroon / Aaron (AS) is first mentioned in the Quran alongside the divine mission of Prophet Musa (AS). As Musa (AS) was blessed with prophethood and ordered by Allah to take the Israelites out of Pharaoh’s captivity, he felt burdened as he doubted his capability to speak effectively and spread the message properly. Musa (AS) made a dua before Allah for support:
“And appoint for me a helper from my family, Harun, my brother. Increase through him my strength and let him share my task.”
(Surah Ta-Ha, 20:29-32)
Allah answered this supplication and made Haroon / Aaron (AS) a prophet. He was assigned to help Musa (AS) plead to the Fir’awn and the Banu Israel to worship Allah. And this divine arrangement is reinforced by the Quran:
“And We made him a prophet and his brother Harun a minister for him.”
(Surah Maryam, 19:53)
Haroon’s (AS) eloquence and persuasive abilities complemented Musa’s (AS) courage and determination. Together, they formed a united front in fulfilling their mission.

Confrontation with Pharaoh
Haroon / Aaron (AS) stood alongside Musa (AS) at the court of Pharaoh, where they professed the oneness of Allah and the release of the Israelites from bondage. Despite Pharaoh’s pride and the denial of their message, the two prophets endured. Allah aided them with manifest signs, such as Musa’s (AS) staff becoming a serpent and his hand glowing brightly as evidence. The reason was Haroon (AS) who confronted Pharaoh’s court with tranquility and logic.
The Quran recounts their dialogue with Pharaoh:
“So go, both of you, to him (Pharaoh) and say, ‘Indeed, we are messengers of your Lord, so let the Children of Israel go with us, and do not torment them. We have come to you with a sign from your Lord, and peace will be upon those who follow guidance.”
(Surah Ta-Ha, 20:47)
Despite their efforts, Pharaoh rejected their call and accused them of sorcery. The confrontation marked the beginning of a series of trials for Musa (AS), Haroon / Aaron (AS), and the Israelites.
Leadership Among the Israelites
The role of Haroon / Aaron (AS) was not limited to aiding Musa (AS) in battling Pharaoh. He served the Israelites as their spiritual leader and guide. After Allah saved them from Pharaoh and parted the Red Sea for them, Haroon / Aaron (AS) assisted Musa (AS) in guiding the Bani Israel in the desert. It was an arduous journey, made more so by the Israelite’s repeated acts of disobedience.
The biggest test was when Musa (as) went up Mount Sinai to receive the Torah. Before leaving, the leader entrusted Haroon / Aaron (AS) to guide the Israelites so they would not go astray. While Musa (AS) was away, a man called Samiri led the people to worship a calf that they had made of gold. Many Israelites succumbed to this idolatry even after warnings and strivings of Haroon / Aaron (AS) to restrain them.
The Quran highlights this event and Haroon’s (AS) plea to the Israelites:
“And Harun had already told them, ‘O my people, you are only being tested by this, and indeed, your Lord is the Most Merciful, so follow me and obey my order.’”
(Surah Ta-Ha, 20:90)
When Musa (AS) came back and noticed the disobedience of the Bani Israel, he was angry and first admonished Haroon (AS). But Haroon / Aaron (AS) said that he had tried his best to prevent fitnah among the people, fearing that bloodshed would occur. His answer reflects the patience and wisdom of a leader.
Later Life and Death
Proceeding on with Musa (AS), Haroon (AS) aided Musa (AS) in leading the Children of Israel after the episode of the Golden Calf. Together, they navigated ongoing challenges such as the Israelites’ reluctance to enter the Promised Land and their complaints about their hardships. Despite these hardships, Haroon / Aaron (AS) stood firm in his faith and commitment to his prophetic task.
Islamic tradition says that Haroon / Aaron (AS) died before Musa (AS) during the forty years of wandering in the desert of the Israelites. The Israelites mourned him greatly, for he had been a good prophet among them. The Quran does not elaborate on the events surrounding his death, but he was most likely buried in the wilderness, with his legacy as a pious servant of Allah living on.
Legacy and Lessons
The Story of Prophet Haroon / Aaron (AS) contains many leadership lessons, and, even more importantly, in patience, as well as supporting one another upon the way of truth. The Quran gives accolades to Haroon (AS) as a pious believer and devoted aid of Musa (AS):
“And We gave Musa the Scripture and made his brother Harun his assistant.”
(Surah Al-Furqan, 25:35)
Haroon / Aaron (AS) embodies humility, compassion, and resilience in the face of adversity. He encourages us to collaborate in the pursuit of what is right and to keep the faith in the face of adversity.