40 Hadiths for Kids

This course teaches young learners 40 easy-to-understand Hadiths online that apply to their daily lives, providing a child-friendly foundation for Islamic values and principles.

40 Hadiths for Kids - online course - seekerspathway.com

Course Description:

This engaging and interactive course is designed to introduce young learners to 40 easy-to-understand Hadiths (sayings of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him). Each Hadith has been carefully selected to be relevant to children’s daily lives, helping them to understand and apply Islamic values and principles in a practical and meaningful way. Through stories, activities, and discussions, children will build a strong foundation in their faith, fostering moral development and a love for learning about Islam.

Course Content:

  • Introduction to Al Hadith
    • Understanding what Hadiths are and their importance in Islam.
    • Learning about the life of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and his role in conveying these teachings.
  • Sincerity in Actions
    • Emphasizing the importance of having sincere intentions in all deeds.
  • Spreading Salaam (Peace)
    • The significance of greeting others with peace and its impact on relationships.
  • Value of Truthfulness
    • Understanding the importance of honesty in speech and actions.
  • Respecting Parents
    • Lessons on the consequences of displeasing one’s father and the high status of mothers in Islam.
  • Honoring the Qur’an
    • Learning about the respect and care required for the Holy Qur’an.
  • Maintaining Cleanliness
    • The importance of personal hygiene and cleanliness in daily life.
  • Avoiding Jealousy
    • Understanding the harmful effects of jealousy and how to overcome it.
  • Feeding the Hungry
    • The virtue of helping those in need and sharing resources.
  • Visiting the Sick
    • The benefits and rewards of comforting and visiting the ill.
  • Guarding the Tongue
    • The importance of speaking good words and avoiding harmful speech.
  • Repenting for Sins
    • The significance of feeling remorse and crying over one’s sins.
  • Helping Others
    • Encouraging acts of kindness and assistance to those in need.
  • Exhibiting Good Character
    • The attributes of a good character and how to develop them.
  • Avoiding Swearing
    • Understanding the negative impact of using foul language.
  • Practicing Modesty
    • The importance of modest behavior and dress in Islam.
  • Shunning Deception
    • The harm caused by deceit and the importance of honesty.
  • Power of Dua (Supplication)
    • Teaching the significance and method of making supplications to Allah.
  • Avoiding Intoxicants
    • Understanding the dangers of intoxicants and why they are forbidden.
  • Cultivating Gratitude
    • Learning to be thankful for Allah’s blessings.
  • Importance of Salaah (Prayer)
    • Emphasizing the central role of daily prayers in a Muslim’s life.
  • Choosing Good Friends
    • The impact of friends on one’s behavior and character.
  • Avoiding Spying
    • The importance of respecting others’ privacy.
  • Practicing Humility
    • Understanding and demonstrating humility in daily interactions.
  • Avoiding Obscene Talk
    • The significance of maintaining purity in speech.
  • Developing Taqwa (Fear of Allah)
    • Cultivating a sense of consciousness and fear of Allah.
  • Avoiding Hatred
    • The destructive nature of hatred and how to foster love and kindness.
  • Showing Mercy to Others
    • The importance of being merciful and compassionate.
  • Proper Use of Wealth
    • Lessons on the ethical use and sharing of one’s wealth.
  • Pursuing Knowledge
    • The value of seeking and sharing knowledge.
  • Learning the Qur’an
    • Encouraging the study and recitation of the Qur’an.
  • Engaging in the Best Zikr (Remembrance of Allah)
    • Teaching the importance of constantly remembering Allah.
  • Sending Durood Shareef
    • The benefits of sending blessings upon the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).
  • Avoiding Backbiting
    • Understanding the harms of backbiting and gossiping.
  • Being a Good Neighbor
    • The importance of kindness and good relations with neighbors.
  • Exchanging Gifts
    • The positive impact of giving and receiving gifts.
  • Steering Clear of Doubtful Matters
    • The importance of avoiding actions that are doubtful or questionable.
  • Managing Anger
    • Strategies to control and manage anger effectively.
  • Proper Conduct with the Opposite Gender
    • Understanding the boundaries and etiquettes in interactions with the opposite gender.
  • Reflecting on Death
    • Teaching the reality of death and the importance of preparing for the hereafter.

Student's Learning Objectives

By the end of this course, students will be able to:

  • Understand the significance of Hadiths and their role in Islamic teachings.
  • Memorize and comprehend 40 easy-to-understand Hadiths in Islam relevant to their daily lives.
  • Apply the teachings of these forty Islamic Hadiths to their behavior and interactions with others.
  • Develop good manners, strong character, and a sense of responsibility.
  • Build a loving and respectful relationship with family and friends.
  • Cultivate a personal connection with Allah through worship and gratitude.
  • Practice good hygiene and healthy habits.
  • Value the importance of learning and seeking knowledge.
  • Demonstrate patience, perseverance, and resilience.
  • Foster a sense of gratitude and contentment.

Final Assessment and Certification:

Upon successfully completing the course, students will undergo a final assessment that includes oral recitation of selected Hadiths, practical demonstrations of applying these teachings in daily life, and a creative project such as a storybook or poster illustrating the Hadiths’ lessons.

Following the assessment, students will receive a Certificate of Achievement from our Quran learning academy, recognizing their understanding of the 40 Hadiths, their ability to integrate these teachings into everyday life, and their commitment to developing a strong moral foundation based on Islamic principles.

Prime 40 Hadiths for Kids: Islamic Teachings Online Course
40 Hadiths for Kids online course seekerspathway.com

Learn these 40 hadiths for kids to make them obedient to parents and foster Husn-e-Ikhlaq in children, teaching them to respect both elders and peers.

Course Provider: Organization

Course Provider Name: Abdullah Shaikh

Course Provider URL: seekerspathway.com

Course Mode: Online

Course Workload: P6M

Course Type: Paid

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