Learn Qaida for Beginners

The “Qaida for Beginners” course is designed by the best online Arabic learning academy exclusively for individuals who aspire to learn how to read the Quran with proficiency and fluency.

Qaida-Beginners - online course - seekerspathway.com

Noorani Qaida Online Course Structure:

  • Course starts with the recognition and pronunciation of individual letters.
  • Learn the shapes, sounds, and proper articulation of each letter, paving the way for accurate pronunciation and recitation.
  • Progress to connecting letters to form words, focusing on the rules of joining letters in different positions within a word.
  • Practice reading simple Arabic words, gradually enhancing your reading skills.
  • Explore the concept of Harakat (short vowels) and Tanween (double vowels), crucial for correct pronunciation and Tajweed.
  • Learn the symbols representing short vowels and their placement within words to ensure precise enunciation.
  • Progress to advanced Tajweed rules, including rules of elongation (Madd), rules of stopping (Waqf), and rules of nasalization (Ghunnah).
  • Learn Noorani Qaida for beginners in English and gradually transition to reading verses from the Quran, applying Tajweed principles to enhance your recitation.

Final Assessment and Certification:

  • Conclude the course with a comprehensive assessment to evaluate your proficiency in Quranic reading and Tajweed.
  • Receive a certificate of completion, acknowledging your dedication and achievement in mastering the art of Quranic recitation.

Benefits Of Learning Noorani Qaida For Kids:

  • Develop a strong foundation in Arabic script and pronunciation, enabling you to read Quranic text with confidence and accuracy.
  • Acquire essential Tajweed skills necessary for beautiful and melodious Quranic recitation.
  • Receive personalized guidance and feedback from experienced instructors.

Enroll in our “Qaida for Beginners” course today and learn the art of Quranic recitation with proficiency and fluency.

Qaida for Beginners: Online Course to Start Your Quran Journey
Qaida Beginners online course seekerspathway.com

Enroll in 'Qaida for Beginners' to learn the Arabic script easily and enhance your skills from the comfort of home with our simple, effective course.

Course Provider: Organization

Course Provider Name: Abdullah Shaikh

Course Provider URL: seekerspathway.com

Course Mode: Online

Course Workload: P1Y

Course Type: Paid

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