Basic Fiqh Learning

This online course guides students in practicing Islamic rituals and Islamic law according to the Quran and Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam), emphasizing that a Muslim’s identity is reflected through actions and behavior, not just by name.

Basic Fiqh Learning - online course -

Online Fiqh Learning Course Description:

This course is designed to help students practice Islamic rituals, definition of Fiqh and address related issues according to the Quran and the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam). It emphasizes that the true identity of a Muslim is demonstrated through their actions and behavior, reflecting their faith beyond just their name. Students will learn the significance of these rituals and how to incorporate them into their daily lives, ensuring their actions align with Islamic principles and Fiqh lessons.

Islamic Fiqh Learning Course Content:

The course is divided into four levels, each covering distinct topics related to Islamic practices to know significance of Fiqh in Islam:

  • Level 1: Essentials of Ritual Purity and Tayammum
  • Level 2: Understanding Prayer (Salah) and Its Components
  • Level 3: Advanced Aspects of Salah and Special Prayers
  • Level 4: Fasting, Charity (Zakah), and Hajj

Student's Learning Objectives:

  • Gain a thorough understanding of fundamental Fiqh principles that we have collected from Fiqh topics in Islam, and their application in daily life.
  • Acquire practical skills for performing religious obligations such as prayer, fasting, Zakat and Hajj in accordance with Islamic teachings.

Final Assessment and Certification:

Participants will undergo a final assessment to evaluate Muslim jurisprudence, their understanding and application of Fiqh principles covered in the course. The assessment may include written exams, practical demonstrations, and case studies. Upon successful completion of the assessment and course requirements, participants will receive a certificate of completion from SeekersPathway Academy. This certificate acknowledges their proficiency in basic Fiqh principles, difference between Fiqh and shariah and their commitment to adhering to Islamic guidelines in daily life.

Basic Fiqh Learning Online Course: Master Islamic Jurisprudence
Basic Fiqh Learning online course

Explore the cornerstone of Islamic Basic Fiqh Learning, and gaining insight into Islamic laws across various aspects previously unfamiliar to you.

Course Provider: Organization

Course Provider Name: Abdullah Shaikh

Course Provider URL:

Course Mode: Online

Course Workload: P6M

Course Type: Paid

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