Quran for Kids

This structured program teaches children how to read the Quran online for kids, understand essential Islamic beliefs, and practice good manners.

Quran for Kids - online course - seekerspathway.com

Course Description:

“Quran for Kids” is a comprehensive course by SeekersPathway Academy designed to introduce young learners to the foundational elements of reading the Quran and understanding basic Islamic teachings. This course is structured into three levels, each progressively building on the previous one.

Students will start by learning the Arabic alphabet and basic pronunciation, gradually moving to read Quranic verses, Kalimas, Duas (supplications), and Islamic etiquette. The course integrates fundamental teachings of Islam, engaging Quran stories for kids, interactive activities, and simple explanations to make learning fun and effective for children.

Benefits of the Course:

  • Develops a strong foundation in Quran Reading.
  • Understanding of essential Islamic beliefs and practices.
  • Teaches good manners and etiquette as taught by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
  • Connects with Quran and Islamic teachings from an early age.
  • Helps in the memorization and recitation of small surahs of Quran.

Student's Learning Objectives:

By the end of the “Quran for Kids” course, students will be able to:

  • Recognize and pronounce Arabic letters and vowels correctly.
  • Read and recite basic Quranic verses.
  • Understand the fundamental concepts of Islam, including the oneness of Allah and the role of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW).
  • Perform basic Islamic prayers and know the importance of Salah.
  • Demonstrate good manners and etiquettes as per Islamic teachings.
  • Memorize and recite different Surahs and duas with proper tajweed and rhythm.

Topics and Levels

Quran Lessons for Kids Level 1


  • Arabic alphabet
  • Sounds of the letters
  • Shapes of the letters
  • Short vowels
  • Letters of Maddah (long vowels)
  • Vowels of nunnation

Islamic Studies:

  • Qur’an: Introduction to the Qur’an, Surah Al-Kawthar
  • Kalima: Kalima-e-Tayyib with translation
  • Islamic Knowledge: Basic beliefs and teachings: “I am a Muslim,” “Allah created me and everything,” “Our beloved Prophet (SAW),” “Love for Allah and Prophet Muhammad (SAW)”
  • Salah/Namaz: Understanding Salah
  • Islamic Manners/Etiquettes: Proper use of greetings (Salam), Duas for various occasions (before sleeping, starting any work, eating), expressing gratitude (saying thank you, Alhamdulillah), and the Dua for seeking knowledge

Quran for Kids Level 2


  • Letters of Leen
  • Sukoon/Jazam
  • Tashdeed
  • Noon Sakin and Tanveen
  • Meem Sakin

Islamic Studies:

  • Qur’an: Introduction to the Qur’an, Surah Al-Kawthar, Surah Al-Ikhlas
  • Kalima: Kalima-e-Tayyib and Shahadah
  • Islamic Knowledge: Core beliefs: “I am a Muslim,” “Allah made me and everything,” “Durood Shareef,” “Almighty Allah,” “Kabah,” “Masjid-e-Nabawi,” “Angels,” “Our Enemy”
  • Salah/Namaz: Importance of Salah, names of the five obligatory prayers, understanding worship
  • Islamic Manners/Etiquettes: Greetings (Salam), Sunnah practices for drinking water and eating, proper etiquette for ascending and descending, expressing thanks and apologies, sneezing etiquette, stepping out

Quran for Kids Level 3


  • Madd
  • Huroof-e-Muqatta’at
  • Tafkheem and Tarqeeq
  • Waqf
  • Zai’d Alif
  • Miscellaneous Topics

Islamic Studies:

  • Qur’an: Introduction to the Qur’an, Surah Al-Kawthar, Surah Al-Ikhlas, Surah Al-Fatiha
  • Kalima: Kalima-e-Tayyib and Shahadah
  • Islamic Knowledge: Stories and teachings: “Allah the Greatest Creator,” “Prophets of Allah,” “Our Beloved Prophet (SAW),” “Durood Shareef (Salawat),” “Books of Allah,” “Our Enemy,” “Bismillah,” “Stone from Paradise,” “Islam and Pillars of Islam,” “Khana-e-Ka’bah,” “Masjid-e-Nabawi,” “Guardian Angels,” “Paradise and Hell”
  • Salah/Namaz: “The Key to Paradise” (story), understanding Salah
  • Manners/Etiquettes: Expressing gratitude, Sunnah practices for sleeping and waking up, entering and leaving home
Quran Course for Kids: In-Depth Levels for Complete Learning
Quran for Kids online course seekerspathway.com

Our "Quran for Kids" course offers Quran learning in a detailed and engaging way, nurturing your child's faith and understanding.

Course Provider: Organization

Course Provider Name: Abdullah Shaikh

Course Provider URL: seekerspathway.com

Course Mode: Online

Course Workload: P6M

Course Type: Paid

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