Stories of Prophets

Explores stories of Islamic prophets like Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, and more, providing insights into their lives, struggles, and messages, deepening understanding of prophethood in Islam.

Stories of Prophets - online course -

Course Description:

This comprehensive course delves into the stories of the prophets mentioned in the Quran, providing a thorough exploration of their lives, struggles, and divine messages. The course aims to deepen understanding of prophethood in Islam, highlighting the moral and spiritual lessons that each prophet’s story imparts.

Course Content:

  1. Adam (آدم) – Creation, life in Paradise, and the fall.
  2. Idris (إدريس) – Wisdom and contributions to early human civilization.
  3. Nuh (نوح) – Noah’s mission, the ark, and the great flood.
  4. Hud (هود) – Mission to the people of ‘Ad.
  5. Salih (صالح) – The miracle of the she-camel and the people of Thamud.
  6. Ibrahim (إبراهيم) – Trials of Abraham, the story of the sacrifice, and his legacy.
  7. Lut (لوط) – Lot’s mission in Sodom and Gomorrah.
  8. Ismail (إسماعيل) – Ishmael’s role in the story of the sacrifice and the Kaaba.
  9. Ishaq (إسحاق) – Isaac’s life and his lineage.
  10. Yaqub (يعقوب) – Jacob’s struggles and the twelve tribes of Israel.
  11. Yusuf (يوسف) – Joseph’s trials, rise to power, and lessons of patience and forgiveness.
  12. Shuayb (شعيب) – Mission to the people of Midian.
  13. Ayyub (أيوب) – Job’s patience and steadfast faith.
  14. Dhul-Kifl (ذو الكفل) – Righteousness and patience.
  15. Musa (موسى) – Moses’ mission to liberate the Israelites and the revelation of the Torah.
  16. Harun (هارون) – Aaron’s role as Moses’ brother and helper.
  17. Dawud (داود) – David’s kingdom, Psalms, and his role as a just ruler.
  18. Sulayman (سليمان) – Solomon’s wisdom, rule over creatures, and the construction of the Temple.
  19. Ilyas (إلياس) – Elijah’s mission to the Israelites.
  20. Al-Yasa (اليسع) – Elisha’s continuation of Elijah’s mission.
  21. Yunus (يونس) – Jonah’s mission to Nineveh and his experience in the whale.
  22. Zakariya (زكريا) – Zechariah’s prayers for a son and the birth of John.
  23. Yahya (يحيى) – John the Baptist’s piety and role in preparing for Jesus.
  24. Isa (عيسى) – Jesus’ miraculous birth, teachings, and miracles.
  25. Muhammad (محمد) – The final prophet, his life, the revelation of the Quran, and completing the message of Islam.

Student's Learning Objectives:

By the end of this course, students will be able to:

  1. Identify and describe the key events and lessons from the lives of the 25 prophets mentioned in the Quran.
  2. Understand the historical and cultural contexts in which these prophets lived and delivered their messages.
  3. Analyze the moral and spiritual teachings imparted by each prophet’s story.
  4. Reflect on the significance of prophethood in Islam and its impact on the faith and practices of Muslims.
  5. Compare and contrast the different challenges faced by the prophets and their responses to those challenges.
  6. Appreciate the interconnectedness of the prophets’ stories and their collective contribution to the Islamic tradition.

Final Assessment and Certification:

The final assessment for this course will include:

  1. Quizzes – Periodic quizzes to test comprehension of each prophet’s story and key lessons.
  2. Assignments – Reflective essays and short answer questions analyzing specific aspects of the prophets’ lives and messages.
  3. Final Exam – A comprehensive exam covering all the prophets discussed in the course, consisting of multiple-choice questions, short answers, and essay questions.
  4. Project – A final project where students choose one prophet to explore in-depth, presenting their findings in a detailed report or presentation.

Upon successful completion of the course and all assessments, students will receive a certification recognizing their understanding and knowledge of the stories of the prophets in Islam. Our Quran academy‘s certification will affirm their grasp of the profound moral and spiritual lessons conveyed through these timeless narratives.

Dive into Stories of Prophets and Connect with Spiritual Heritage
Stories of Prophets online course

In this fascinating course, study the legendary lives of the Prophets who dedicated themselves to preserving Islam and setting timeless examples for nation.

Course Provider: Organization

Course Provider Name: Abdullah Shaikh

Course Provider URL:

Course Mode: Online

Course Workload: P6M

Course Type: Paid

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